Ofreciendo excelencia en

el servicio y soporte técnico

a nuestros clientes

TER AS Productos se fundó en Barcelona en el año 2009 con el objetivo de afianzar la presencia de TER GROUP en el mercado español. Durante los últimos años hemos crecido constantemente, obteniendo así un importante reconocimiento en los diferentes sectores a los que pertenecen nuestros clientes.


TER Quest

TER Quest

The TERquest product line comprises synergistic blends of effective components to prevent mineral scalings in waterbearing systems.


TERquest antiscalants are used in aqueous systems to suppress the formation of deposits (scaling) based on mineral salts such as carbonates and sulfates. A precipitation is prevented due to the excellent dispersing properties. TERquest antiscalants can be provided in potable water treatment quality upon request. Besides the treatment of waterbearing systems, they are also suited for the feed water conditioning of RO membrane filtration systems.

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Contact Person

Dirk Schlatermund


Head of Business Unit
Disinfection and Cleaning